Boiled Renkon, Gobou (burdock root), Carrot, Satoimo(taro), Takenoko(bambooshoot) and Konnyaku (Amorphophallus konjac)
Haiga mai (half-milled rice) and Miso soup with assorted vegetables, chicken and Shiitake mushroom
Recommended food
Has mind-calming effect
Strengthen the Kidney & Spleen (organs for life force energy)
Makes your body keep warm
Boost your immune system
1) Organic Vegetables (body warming effect)
- Renkon(Lotus Root), Pumpkin (Kabocha), Daikon radish, Gobo (burdock root), Carrot, Onion, Yamaimo (Japanese mountain yam), Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Shiitake mushroom (enhance immunity), Ginger
2) Flavor - Black sesame, Miso, Sea salt, Soy sauce
3) Fresh Fish (white fish, bluefish, Mackerel, Eel, etc), Shellfish
4) Seaweeds, Kombu kelp, Wakame, Hijiki, Shirasu & ChirimenJako (Baby Sardine)
5) Barley tea (mugi-cha) , Herb tea (Chamomile, Rooibos tea, etc) – Calming effect
6) Soy Beans - Organic Tofu, Natto (fermented soybeans - enhance immunity), Azuki bean, Black soybean (kuro daizu)
7) Rice (Haiga-mai, Gokoku-mai, Wheat, or Brown rice), Soba (Buckwheat noodle) *Be careful not too excessive eating of Rice for Diabetic & Pre-Diabetic patients.
8) Organic Meat (Chicken, Polk, and Beef), Eggs, Liver
9) Unsalted Nuts - Almond, Hazelnuts, Peanuts
10) Hot drink or Room temperature water
11) Seasoned Fruits– Apple, Orange, Prune, etc
Natto (fermented soy beans) on the rice with Scallion, Black sesami and Ginger
Soup Stock - Kombu kelp, Shiitake mushroom, Bonito flake and Dashijako (fish broth)
Gobo (burdock root)
Recommended Cooking
- Warm home-cooked food – such as Miso soup with Vegetables, Seaweed & Tofu
- Chicken soup with Vegetables,
- Steamed rice with Natto (fermented soy beans) with Black sesame & seaweeds
- Ginger Chicken & vegetable porridge (Congee)
- Use organic foods
- Use good quality salt
- Use Japanese ingredients
- “Eat slowly, Chew 100 times before swallow”
Gokoku-mai (5 grain rice), Miso soup and organic meat & vegetables
Not Recommended foods
Better to avoid or take less – Foods that make your body cold & stagnate blood
1) Dairy food (Milk, Cheese, etc)
2) Fast foods
3) Cold food - Salad, Raw vegetables & Tropical fruits,
4) Icy water, Icy cold drink
5) Raw fish (sushi/ sashimi), Raw meat
6) Very spicy food - makes your body cold
7) Very greasy food
8) Sweet (white sugar) - makes your body cold, if you need to eat sweet, take honey or brown sugar
9) Gluten food – try the gluten-free grain
10) Alcohol & caffeine (coffee, Green tea) – Sympathetic dominance
11) Artificial ingredients, Food additive, Artificial flavors & coloring – causes blood stagnation
Recommended activities for stress reduction & better sleep
1) Walking
2) Yoga / Stretching
3) Qi gong
4) Meditation with breathing
5) Laughing with funny youtube videos (cats, dogs etc)
6) Hot bath or Footbath (with Pure Epsom Salt)
7) Use Yutanpo (Hot water bottle) or Hot stone on your navel or Kidney area for warming up before going to bed
8) Wear wool socks in the bed
9) Ankle rolling Exercise - Good for blood circulation to Uterus
Pot-au-feu with organic vegetable, chicken. tofu and mushroom