Facial acupuncture, or “cosmetic acupuncture,” is a popular facial treatment in Japan which helps the face to stimulate collagen production, improve skin quality, and can help rejuvenate skin by improving overall energy.
The immediate effectiveness was probed by all our clients who received Facial acupuncture in our office. Since we started offering the treatment this year, we have been getting rave reviews such as; “My face got noticeably slimmer after just one session!“, “Fatigue of my whole face disappeared and looked rejuvenated!“, “My sagging cheeks lifted up shapely, and my eyes look much bigger!”, and “My skin looked glowing and whole face toned up. My skin got smoother too!“
Below is from the article I found in Healthline website which explains well about how the facial acupuncture actually works. (Just, the article below says that most clients need 5 visits before experiencing the effectiveness, but most of our clients see the positive result just after the first session. Also, we had never seen bruising on any of our clients yet.).
To see the difference Before & After, please visit our Instagram.
当院で美容鍼を受けたすべてのクライアント様が、その即効性を体感しています。 今秋から美容鍼を始めて以来、皆様から以下のような報告を受けています。
「たった1回のセッションで顔がスリムになりました!」、「顔全体の疲労が消えて若返りました!」、「垂れ下がった頬が引き上がり、目が大きく見えてきました!」、「肌が輝いてトーンアップしました!」「 顔全体が引き締まって肌もスムースになりました!」
Acupuncture has been around for centuries. A part of traditional Chinese medicine, it may help treat body pains, headaches, or even nausea. But it’s supplementary benefits might surprise you — especially if you decide to let your acupuncturist have a go at your smile lines.
“It works internally to optimize your health while simultaneously enhancing the appearance of your skin,” explains Amanda Beisel, acupuncturist and founder of SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinic.
Facial acupuncture, the reportedly safer alternative to surgery or Botox.
This cosmetic treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture. It’s said to naturally help make the skin look younger, smoother, and all-around healthier. And unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging, but also the skin’s overall health.
The science behind facial acupuncture
After a regular full-body acupuncture treatment, the acupuncturist will move on to the facial portion of the treatment. If the practitioner only does the facial part of the treatment, Beisel doesn’t recommend it.
“If you were just going to put a large number of needles in the face and not the full body, this would result in energy congestion in the face,” she says. “A client can experience dullness, headache, and discomfort.” When you start with the body, you can experience a full flow of energy that helps support the facial acupuncture.
On the face, the acupuncturist will insert 40 to 70 tiny and painless needles. As the needles puncture the skin, they create wounds within its threshold, which are called positive microtraumas. When your body senses these wounds, it goes into repair mode. This is the same idea microneedling uses to get bright, anti-aging results — except acupuncture is a bit less intense, averaging about 50 punctures. Microneedling applies hundreds of pricks through a rolling device.
These punctures stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory system, which work together to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, nourishing skin from the inside out. This helps even out your complexion and promote your skin’s glow. The positive microtraumas also stimulates the production of collagen. This helps improve elasticity, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.
According to Beisel, the main result people experience is a bright complexion. “It’s as though the skin has been awakened from a long, deep sleep,” she says. “All the fresh blood and oxygen flood the face and really bring it back to life.”
But unlike Botox or dermal fillers, facial acupuncture isn’t a quick fix of any kind. “I like to manage clients’ expectations,” explains Beisel. “The focus is to create long-term changes in the health of the skin and body, not short-term quick fixes.” By this, she means better collagen stimulation, a brightened skin tone, reduced jaw tension, and a softer appearance overall on top of health benefits like reduced anxiety and tension.
One study Trusted Source found that the majority of people saw improvements after just five sessions of facial acupuncture, but Beisel recommends 10 treatments once or twice a week to see optimum results. After that, you can go into what she calls a “maintenance stage,” where you get the treatment every four to eight weeks.
“It’s a great treatment for those who are really busy and on the go,” she says. “It allows the body time to relax and restore.”
With every successful procedure, there’s always a chance of side effects
The most common side effect for facial acupuncture — or really any acupuncture — is bruising.
“This only happens about 20 percent of the time, but is still a possibility,” says Beisel, who adds that bruising should heal before the week is up. To avoid bruising and instead achieve the best results, the person receiving the treatment should be in good health for maximum healing capabilities. This is why people with bleeding disorders or uncontrolled type 2 diabetes shouldn’t seek this treatment. If you do experience bruising, Beisel reassures that any bruising often heals quite quickly.
「美顔鍼は体の内部に働きかけ、健康を最適化すると同時に肌の外観を改善します」、SKN Holistic Rejuvenation Clinicの鍼師であり創設者であるアマンダ・べーゼル氏は説明します。
「全身ではなく顔にだけ多くの鍼を刺すだけだと、顔部にエネルギーの混沌が生じるでしょう」、と彼女は言います。 「その際、クライアントはだるさ、頭痛、不快感を感じることがあります」。身体部から始めると、顔部の治療をサポートするのに役立つエネルギーの完全な流れを体験できます。
べーゼル氏によると、クライアントが経験する主な効果はトーンアップした明るい顔色です。 「まるで肌が長く深い眠りから覚めたようです」、と彼女は言います。 「すべての新鮮な血液と酸素が顔に溢れ、肌を本当に生き返らせます」。
しかし、ボトックスやフィラー注射とは異なり、美顔鍼は単純な修正ではありません。 「短期的な部分修正ではなく、肌と体の健康の長期的な変化を作り出すことが焦点です」。美顔鍼には、不安や緊張の軽減などの健康上の利点に加え、コラーゲン刺激、肌のトーンアップ、あごのこわばりの減少、および顔全体の印象を和らげ、ソフトにするなどの効果が含まれています。
Can Facial Acupuncture Really Make You Look Younger? https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/facial-acupuncture#how-does-it-work