Our principle is the Japanese style Acupuncture in which the needles are very thin and inserted superficially, and in some instances, they are not inserted at all (by using Teishin: non-insertive needle). For Japanese practitioners, the most energetic and influential aspects of Qi are at the surface of the body. This gentle needling technique is great for highly sensitive people as well as small children.
Gentle Acupuncture also works in multiple styles of acupuncture, allowing for a set of tools that targets the patient's unique needs. This includes Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kiiko Matsumoto style of Japanese Acupuncture, and Acupuncture Physical Medicine (APM) with trigger point release. Below are some common conditions we treat.
Sports injuries
Muscle pain
Back, neck and shoulder pain
Leg, ankle and foot pain
Arm, wrist and hand pain
Knee pain
Hip pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tennis Elbow
Jaw pain (TMJ)
Dental pain
Myofascial pain syndrome
Headaches and migraines
eye-related conditions
Macular degeneration
Myopia, Hyperopia, Presbyopia
Dry eyes
Collagen disease
Vision loss
ear-related conditions
Ménière’s disease
Hearing loss
mental & emotional
women’s health & fertility issues
Regulating Menstrual Cycles
Balancing Hormones
Increasing Success Rates of IUI/IVF
Decreasing Side Effects of Medications and IVF Procedures
Menopausal Discomfort
Moxibustion for Turning a Breech Baby
digestive issues & nausea
Heartburn, Acid Reflux
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Chronic indigestion
Chronic loose stools or constipation
Peptic ulcer
Acute and chronic gastritis
Morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting
respiratory issues
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
hormonal issues
Hair loss
Nail loss
Skin problem
facial (Cosmetic) acupuncture
Below are some common conditions we treat:
Facial rejuvenation - wrinkles/sagging, bags under the eyes
Lift brow & drooping eyelids, skin tone up
Dark spots, red face, dry skin, eye strain, acne, migraine headache
Bell's palsy, Facial paralysis, Trigeminal neuralgia
For more detailed information, please visit Facial (Cosmetic) Acupuncture
$140 for the initial visit (90 minutes)
$110 for a follow-up visit (80 - 90 minutes)
*Discount Package: $ 500 for 5 visits ($100 per visit), purchase available after the initial visit
Facial (cosmetic) acupuncture:
$160 for the initial visit (90-100 minutes, including 15 minutes intake interview)
$130 for a follow-up visit (90 minutes)
*Discount Package: $ 600 for 5 visits ($120 per visit), purchase available after initial visit
Please contact us to check appointment availability, scheduling, or any other inquiries.